Tuesday 25 January 2011

"Things that really matter ...": "Bees, YES BEE'S ... Billions of Bees are being killed off."

"Things that really matter ...": "Bees, YES BEE'S ... Billions of Bees are being killed off."

  Pleased to report over a million people have now signed this petition worldwide with a total of 1,127,326. The aim is now 1,250,000 signatures.

Bees are dying off worldwide and our entire food chain is in peril. Scientists blame toxic pesticides and four European governments have already banned them. If we get the US and the EU to join the ban, other governments across the world could follow, and save bees from extinction. Sign the petition and forward this urgent appeal:

Sign the petition

Find our NW Cambs UKIP Website at:


Christian Graves Desecrated During Church To Mosque Conversion

If this doesn't rattle your bones ... nothing will.


Shame on Manchester City Council, this is a total outrage.
The planning department at the City Council should of never
given permission to allow these graves to be knocked to pieces
and crushed in such an appaulling and insensitive manner.

Why on earth is this being allowed just to make way for a car park and to turn this into a place for muslims to have a mosque to worship in. What's wrong with the British people just rolling over
and letting this happen ...?

Where's the front page news regarding this ... ? How come our own elected politicians, have allowed Islam to take such a hold in this country ... ? Why our we as a nation allowing this to happen on our own doorstep ... ?

Is it because ... this does not really matter anymore ... ?

Please ask yourself, what do you think about what really matters ... ? To live in a country with christian principles ... or ... an Islamic nation that's bent on forcing their religion upon us ... ?

Tell me ... Do you really want to live in a country that has no respect for the dead that fought, died and built such a great nation for our generation to just give it away to these extreme Islamic's Muslim folk.

Please don't get me wrong ... when I say, that I must contend for the faith which has been delivered to us through Jesus Our Lord. We our also taught to love our enemy as ourself ... and the way I read that is, I am to lead by example given to us by Christ ... I don't hate these people, but I love them enough to say that Islam is not of the truth and to try to presuade them thatthe Bible is the truth which they need to trust & obey. They need to become christians and I will do all that I can to help them to do so.

You might like to look at the other You Tube on this which I've posted. 

Monday 17 January 2011

"Things that really matter ...": " PLEASE SUPPORT HUGH'S FISH FIGHT CAMPAIGN."

"Things that really matter ...": " PLEASE SUPPORT HUGH'S FISH FIGHT CAMPAIGN."


Have you been watching the Great Fish Fight on Channel 4 ?
                                                             Channel 4
With millions of people in third world countries that can't afford one very small meal a day and having the EU past laws on fish that are caught being thrown back dead into the sea is nothing more than totally disgraceful.

EU laws on fish discards are a disgrace and involves thousands of tons of good edible and sellable fish being dumped, dead, into the sea every year. EU fishery discards laws are offensive and reprehensible and are a good example of the total stupidity, ignorance, and arrogance of the unelected and unaccountable EU Comissioners in a foreign country. How could OUR, so called British POLITICIANS allow us to be governed by such idiots from that country's extravagant guilded palaces in Brussels ?

Surely with 5 Billion people that live in the world today that need to be feed ... this nonsense of throwing fish back into the sea because the EU Commissioners say's so, is totally immoral and should not be obeyed. It needs to be stopped from happening from this point on. This law needs to be dis-obeyed by all the fishermen that rely on this for a living. There has to be a better way to look after are fish stocks than to throw perfectly good fish that can be sold and eaten.

If you would like to add your name to our petition then please click on the link below. Every name added shows the EU that we find this practise totally unacceptable and that we want this law scrapped.


  • Total Signatures so far:   627,203 

    I've just added my name to Hugh's Fish Fight Campaign ~ Why not do the same ?
    You can add your name here: http://www.fishfight.net

                             Famous Fish Fighters

    Monday 10 January 2011

    Friday 7 January 2011

    "Bees, YES BEE'S ... Billions of Bees are being killed off."

    Bees are dying off worldwide and our entire food chain is in peril.
    Scientists blame toxic pesticides and four European governments have already banned them. If we get the US and the EU to join the ban, other governments across the world could follow, and save bees from extinction. Take a look at the link;

    Bees are dying off worldwide and our entire food chain is in peril. Scientists blame toxic pesticides and four European governments have already banned them. If we get the US and the EU to join the ban, other governments across the world could follow, and save bees from extinction. Sign the petition and forward this urgent appeal:

    Sign the petition


    Silently, billions of bees are dying off and our entire food chain is in danger. Bees don't just make honey, they are a giant, humble workforce, pollinating 90% of the plants we grow.

    Multiple scientific studies blame one group of toxic pesticides for their rapid demise, and bee populations have soared in four European countries that have banned these products. But powerful chemical companies are lobbying hard to keep selling this poison. Our best chance to save bees now is to push the US and EU to join the ban ... their action is critical and will have a ripple effect on the rest of the world.

    We have no time to lose ... the debate is raging about what to do. This is not just about saving bumble bees, this is about survival. Let's build a giant global buzz calling the EU and US to outlaw these killer chemicals and save our bees and our food.Sign the emergency petition now, and send it on to everyone and we'll deliver it to key decision makers.


    Other links that relate to this subject include:


    Please take a look at them and consider adding your name as a supporter of trying to save the Bee's.